With Instructor Joanne Smith-Tavener
This course will be held online via the Zoom Platform.
Breast Cancer Wellness Consultant Certification
This specialty certification will assist trainers who are working with individuals recently diagnosed with breast cancer that have been cleared to exercise by their physician. The objective of this course is to design fitness programs that are specific to this population and to assist them in gaining control over their lives through fitness. Understanding the limitations experienced from surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy and its effects on range of motion, nausea, fatigue, lymph edema, etc., are paramount to the personal trainer when designing fitness programs.
This class teaches A Four Phase Exercise Protocol for Post Breast Cancer Treatments. Defines oncologic and reconstructive treatment types and the side effects from these treatments. Teaches critical thinking skill development so Fitness Professionals can tailor each program individually.
Hour 1 – Definition of Breast Cancer by Stage, Therapies and Reconstructive Treatments
Hour 2 – Physiological, Anatomical & Structural Side Effects From BC Treatments
Hour 3 & 4 – A Four Phase Exercise Prescription Protocol designed to slowly strengthen the BC Patient back to Exercise.
Hour 5 – Scope of Practice Precautions and Guidelines for Fitness Professionals and Nutritional Guidelines
Hour 6 – Program Review and Q&A
CEC’S: AAAI/ISMA 8, IFTA 8 other CEC’s can be petitioned.
SOLD OUT. Registration is now closed for this event.