Primary Aerobic/ Group Fitness Instructor Certification

Sunday, June 8, 2025
9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT
Primary Aerobic/ Group Fitness Instructor Certification

With Instructor Anne Wilkinson Ph.D.

This course is IN-PERSON at the
One World Conference Atlantic City Convention Center
1 Convention Blvd
Atlantic City, NJ

This class is designed to teach instructors different techniques when teaching a basic aerobic/step aerobic class. Some important factors discussed are: Heart Rate, Safety(Knee, foot, hip, and general body alignment, The importance of warm-up/cool-down, and Body mechanics.)

The AAAI-ISMA Primary Aerobics (Group Fitness) Instructor Certification is designed to help participants understand knowledge as it pertains to the teaching of group based exercise classes. Participants will review: proper group fitness components (warm up, aerobic exercise, flexibility exercise, strength exercise, cool down), utilization of the F.I.T.T. principle, proper biomechanics, safety, heart rate training techniques, anatomy, and training principles. Also, reviewed during the course is group fitness teaching strategies and the incorporation of music, tempo, cueing technique, safe transitional movements, and rhythm.

CEC’S: AAAI/ISMA 7.0, NASM 1.9, AFAA 1.9, other CEC’s can be petitioned.
