Discover Tai Chi: Back to Basics

Sunday, June 8, 2025
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT
Discover Tai Chi: Back to Basics

With Instructor Scott Cole

This course is IN-PERSON at the
One World Conference Atlantic City Convention Center
1 Convention Blvd
Atlantic City, NJ

Join “Chi Man,” Scott Cole, in this ALL-NEW version of Discover Tai Chi titled: “Discover Tai Chi: Back to Basics — In the Chair and Standing”. Many of you have been certified by Scott in the past, with his Tai Chi Training program, and now, you can learn new material, broaden your Chi base, and earn CEC’s for renewal of your existing AAAI/ISMA Certifications.

This 3-hour workshop is the next step, combining Chair exercises with Standing exercises, inspired by the Principles of Tai Chi and Qigong. It is designed for instructors and participants to learn to move slowly and efficiently, reflecting Scott’s ever-evolving vision of teaching and experiencing Tai Chi and Qigong, now in his 30th anniversary of practicing, and 25th year of certifying instructors through AAAI/ISMA.

From movement history to martial stances, to better balance and more mobility, to working in and around the chair, to standing traditional and therapeutic modifications, Discover Tai Chi: Back to Basics will inform and enlighten you in ways that will linger long after your time with Scott.

“As the world gets faster, we get slower…..and BETTER.”—-Scott Cole

CEC’S: AAAI/ISMA 3.0, NASM 1.9, AFAA 1.9, other CEC’s can be petitioned.
