Mat Pilates Instructor Certification

Saturday, June 7, 2025
9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT
Mat Pilates Instructor Certification

With Instructor Rebecca West Hensinger, BA

This course is IN-PERSON at the
One World Conference Atlantic City Convention Center
1 Convention Blvd
Atlantic City, NJ

This training program will teach you the foundations and modifications for instructing a Basic Pilates Mat class.

You will review anatomy and physiology basics as it relates to the foundation drills. Learn how to break down the biomechanics of these movements for all fitness levels. Understand spinal deviations, alignment and breathing cues, and contraindications for special populations in your classes. Learn how to execute a warm-up followed with smooth transitions from one exercise to the next and a final cool-down stretch. Leave with a successful class format, which offers modifications, that you can teach your students time and time again.

CEC’S: AAAI/ISMA 7.0, NASM 1.9, AFAA 1.9, other CEC’s can be petitioned.
