With Instructor Janis Saffell
This course is IN-PERSON at the
One World Conference Atlantic City Convention Center
1 Convention Blvd
Atlantic City, NJ
MARTIAL TABATA® is a martial arts & kickboxing inspired workout utilizing high intensity interval Tabata timing. This MMA–style high–intensity interval cardio–strength program is the ultimate kickboxing workout designed with explosive plyometrics, speed, agility, and martial moves. Learn how to create a MARTIAL TABATA® High Intensity Interval training program using tubing, weights, boxing gloves, heavy bag, and unique body–weight exercises. Each MARTIAL TABATA® round consists of 8 cycles of a 20 sec WORK Intervals, and a 10 sec REST Interval, followed by a 60 sec RECOVERY Phase. This will be the ultimate calorie blasting, high–energy, “Earn Your Shower”, kinda sweat–induced MARTIAL TABATA® workout.
12:30-1:30 The Secrets & Science of Tabata Training
1:30-2:30 Kickboxing Foundation & How to create a successful MARTIAL TABATA® program
2:30-3:30 Music, Timers, Mobile Apps Oh My!
3:30-4:30 Putting it all together = MARTIAL TABATA® MASTER CLASS
CEC’S: AAAI/ISMA 4.0, NASM 1.9, AFAA 1.9, other CEC’s can be petitioned.